*knockknock* Your parcel has arrived. ;D It's a double flashing llama!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Ghost Llama Super Special!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Since nothing too exciting has happened today, I (Lume) have a special delivery of ghost llama goodness! Enjoy the llamaness, dear people:
Friday, July 16, 2010
Dreams, Dreams, Dreams...And Chuck
Friday, July 16, 2010
Dreams: How would he win against the oil? o.o
Lume: It's the oil company. He will block the spillage and reign justice on their souls! (AKA, kick their asses)
Dreams: I think he should just kick the pipe shut. That would solve everything. *nods*
Lume: True, but less fun. Imagine actually *being* Chuck Norris You're just this regular guy, and suddenly people give you supa powers.
Dreams: I think we should do that. *dramatic look* Just pick someone random and make so many "cool" jokes about them that they gain popularity and... and...
Lume: Duuude...YES
Dreams: *shifty eyes* Andrew? He's a giant, "badass" Mexican.
(On the topic of Ghost Llamas...)
- Lume: We're insane. Who else would even CARE that the llama flashed funny?
- Dreams: The hobo who likes getting seizures?!
- Lume: Welllll...If he actually HAS a computer.
- Dreams: Yeahhh..
- Lume: In his cardboard box under the freeway. I think of him as maybe having one of those old TVs constantly set on that static channel
- Dreams:"Oh my God... THAT DOT! *points* It.. it wasn't there last time...! THEY ARE HERE! OH GREAT ALIEN OVERLORDS, WHAT DO YOU COMMAND?!"
"...I SHALL OBEY!" - Lume:ROFL What is that from?
- Dreams: My mind. 88DD
- Lume:My llama! That. Was. BRILLIANT!
Later that day...
- Dreams: DUDE-- off topic, but I SWEAR the TV just yelled, "TOILET RAPE".
- Lume:Maybe a politician from like, Maine. OMG WHAT? Toilet...rape..HOW THE HELLS BELLS DOES THAT EVEN...?*snickers*
- Dreams: I have no idea but I have to pee and I'm terrified.
- Lume:You just scarred me for life from the toilet.
- Dreams: If I don't come back...you know what happened.
5 minutes later...
- Dreams:BACK!!
- Dreams:YAYYY!!! *hugs back*
- Lume:*sniffle* What a beautiful mom- SQUIRREL! *head snaps back*
- Dreams:You bitch. D<
- Lume: I ams not, I ams your favorite friendy-friend
- Dreams: Bitch = female dog in this case. ;;D
- Lume:...OH, you're good...*strokes beard* Verrryyy goood
The Attack of the Ghost Llamas
- Hi y'all, this is Lume, and today I have an extra special story about ghost llamas. Now, Dreams and I were just chatting away today, and I posted a little llama smiley. I noticed the background behind it was blinking in a seizure-inducing way, so I said so.
- Dreams was puzzled at this, and sent me a screenshot. On her message, there were no flashes of doom. How strange, you might say.
- So I proceeded to try and send her a screenshot of my view. I got as far as searching 'llama' and then msn crashed. I tried again, and posted another llama. I noticed now that the background flashes of the llama had changed color, due to me logging on and off.
- I was, at the time, and you can understand, quite afraid that I had been cursed by some witch who wanted to make me have a seizure by ghost llamas. So I tried to send another screenshot to Dreams. MSN crashed yet again, and I was more afraid.
- I continued to log on and off, posting llamas each time. and decided to make a llama collage. So here it is for your enjoyment: The Curse of the Ghost Llama!- Part one
- (After a while, I had to stop being annoying to Dreams, so I began to send llamas to Andrew. If this llama fad lasts, I shall post some once a week. Hoorah! ;D)
- (After a while, I had to stop being annoying to Dreams, so I began to send llamas to Andrew. If this llama fad lasts, I shall post some once a week. Hoorah! ;D)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
This is why Vampires can't Exsist
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
- Lume: Okay, so, I got up this morning, and for some reason (don't ask me why) I started thinking about that good old phrase 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you.' And I was kinda rolling it around in my head, and I realized that, quite literally, that doesn't work at ALL for vampires. You know? 'Cause...for the hand to feed them, they HAVE TO BITE IT.
- Kitsune: LMAO.
- Lume: I've been waiting forever to get that out of my system
- Kitsune: *applauds
I'm proud of you. That's actually oddly insightful.
And sort of odd.
And a little ridiculous.
But overall, a witty statement.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Wishy is a Sneaky Guy
Monday, May 31, 2010
Date: September 29th, 2009
- Lume: You, you fiend, are a bambozzle!
- Dreams: I'm not subsidizing any of your shenanigans
- Lume: ...Awww. Why not?
- Dreams: Because I'll have to berate you for them, even if they make your euphoric.
- Lume: My knowledge of shenanigans is indubitable
- Dreams: You must amalgamate with me
- Dreams: *shakes head* I grow weary from these.
- Lume: These words are exuberating. Enthralling.
- Dreams: *punches you* Enough.
- Lume: ...Dreams... I mean, Delusion, I mean, Vision.. I exhalt immense words, you must not impair me for such
- Dreams: ...
- Lume: Okay, okay, I'll stop
- Dreams: ...
- Lume: .... *sniffle*
- Dreams: *smirks*
- Lume:*anger* *fury* *irritation* *antagonisim*
- Dreams: *bites you*
- Lume: Gah! Son of a...
- Dreams: GAREWTEGFR. Dude.
- Lume: ...
- Dreams: Wishy the Star in Animal Crossing keeps flashing across the sky.
- Lume: .... Loser
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Facebook isn't JUST for Stalkers, I Promise!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Date: May 30th, 2010
- Kitsune: Love the pirate setting.
- Dreams: Yeah. XD Pirate setting on FB~! *tempts you to join FB*
- Kitsune: Nevar, foo.
- Dreams: Silly groups... JUST MAKE ONE AND ADD ME. D8
- Kitsune: NO.
- Dreams: *clings to your legs* PWEASE?!
- Kitsune: Nevar.
- Dreams: Why not? *pouts* *bats eyelashes*
- Kitsune: NEVAR. Because it's stupid and I refuse to get caught up in social networking because I'm probably going to be one of those people that accidentally posts something stupid on their facebook and gets banned from every college in the known world outside of Zimbabwe but who the hell cares about Zimbabwe because their monetary system sucks.
Seriously. They have billion dollar bills
Dreams: It's not stupid. :-P It's a way of connecting. And you can use your nickname. - Kitsune: NUUUU.*stamps foot* *and stomps it* *y'know, for good measure*
- Dreams: *pouts* I want to send you quizzes and funny groups and fan pages...
- Kitsune: NO.
- Dreams: and post funny things on your Wall...
- Kitsune: NO.
- Dreams: and show you pictures...
- Kitsune: NO
- Dreams: and make love to you.
- Kitsune: N-Maybe.
- Dreams: and have your babies...
- Kitsune: NO.
- Dreams: LMAO
Later that day...
- Lume: You know, you really should get a Facebook
- Kitsune:Dreams set you up to this, didn't she?
- Lume: Nah, she was just telling me about her quote and I thought (Yes, I had a thought) that you having a facebook would be a marvelous idea.
- Kitsune: Pffft.You sound so matter-of-fact.
- Lume: Swhat they call me. Anyway, Facebook is a lovely place
- Kitsune: Where college digs up all the dirt.
- Lume: Hey, then don't post, "LAST NIGHT I GOT SO FRIGGIN WASTED, DUDES!" On your wall. Not that you'd get, um, you know, wasted
- Kitsune: Riiiight.
- Lume: 8D
- Kitsune: But what if they don't like that you like Jurassic Park as this year's top-played Christmas song?
- Lume: Then they don't deserve to be called diverse colleges. I mean, they accept homosexuals, crossdressers, and even homosexual crossdressers, so why not a nice girl from Florida? *cough*
- Kitsune: Where did homosexual crossdressers come from? o.O
- Lume: I was thinking about terms for this guy I saw in walmart and that's what ended up as his description
- Kitsune: O_o
- Lume: Yeah, he was scary. I think colleges would rather avoid him than you. Unless you have bankrobbing in your past...
Start a Revolution, then.
- Lume: HEY. I just pasted and BAM
- Andrew: You're not Emeril!!!
- Lume: ...WHO SAID?
- Andrew: I SAID...Unless you wanna come make my dinner for me, and then I will, in return, work my magic fingers on your shoulders
- Lume:Magic fingers. Huh. Well, you're not Emeril, either, buddy.
- Andrew: No. But I'm the Sax God. Ask Kitsune. She knows about it ;D
- Lume: We all know about your Saxiness, Adog
- Andrew: I'm glad you recognized this
- Lume: It was the revolution of my life, I promise you
- Andrew: I start revolutions
- Industrial revolution, that was me
- Woodstock,that was me
- Gay rights...
- that was not me
- Lume: Global warming. THAT WAS YOU.
- Andrew: >> Shhh
- Lume: Thank Goodness for the not you and the gay rights
- Andrew: x3 I love Ladies too much *Scoots closer to you*
- Lume: GAHHH... *cough* You, Andrew, are a predator.
- Andrew: Only for cute little girls with dark hair... wait...No that's not quite right. I am not a predator D:
- Lume: LMAO Adog...
- Andrew: You luff me :3
- Lume: Sure I do. Beautiful pitbull
- Andrew: Sexy Lobster
- Lume: Adorable hairtye
- Andrew: Cute Q-tip
- Lume: Copycating robot
- Andrew: Juggling Mime
- Lume: Ohhhh....Hairy Astronaut
- Andrew: Shaven plumber
- Lume: With his pants...ON DA GROUND!
Later that day...
- Andrew:You want me all to yourself. >> But I dont mind that :3
- Dreams: LOL No, I just don't want predators hunting Lume. ;P
- Andrew: >> That excuse will hold for now, but I know your secret
- Dreams: My secret is that I'm a homosexual man, 8'6" and hungry for Mexicans shorter than me..
- Andrew: Dayum baby why didn't you say so sooner?
- Dreams: ANDREW.
Hungry for Wha?
- Dreams: Omg... I'm so hungry. Why am I so hungry? LMAO this reminds of me of the Supernatural episode because everyone was hungry for things...
- Lume: OMG I am starvvving. I didn't have lunch and played dodgeball right before lunch.
Ravenous. Ewww... Don't eat anyone, kay? - Dreams:Or maybe it's because I'm watching Man v.s. Food. Okay. :3
- Lume: How come I don't trust you?
- Dreams: LMAO. ;D Well if a sexy ass guy comes along, I might take a nibble...
- Lume: LMAO
Dominance and Darth
Date: May 30th, 2010
- Lume: You just have to be dominate, don'tcha?
- Dreams: *bobs eyebrows*
- Lume: NOT THAT WAY. Not with the whip and the black leather and the Darth Vader mask and the 'You've been a bad boy!'
- Dreams: You don't have to dominate in that way either.
- Lume: *cough* Anyway...Mondegreen Dreams. Mondegreen is such a cool word.
- Dreams: I forget what it means.
- Lume: It's a word that means a misheard saying or phrase, like if you said, "I like cupcakes." and I heard, "I like buttcakes," That would be a mondegreen. OH YES, I WENT THERE, BUTTCAKE.
Later that day... - Kitsune: You've been a bad girl, Lume. Though I'm not going to ask why you associate Darth Vader with bondage
- Kitsune: LMAO
- Lume: Well...I can just see a lady you know, wearing practically nothing except for boots, and then there's this Darth Vader mask and very creepy voice, "*CRRR POO* You've been a baud boy. *CRR POO*"
- Kitsune: And then the whip crackles through the air!
- Lume: And she falls on her skull because her head is full of air and cannot hold up the weight of the mask *CrrrCLUNK*
The Pros and Cons of Pizza for Life
Date: May 30th, 2010
- Lume: Okay, I just thinking about this a minute ago. What's the policy on all this 'for life' stuff? I mean, what happens if you win pizza for life, then WHAM! you're dead. What's the warranty? I mean, it's not really pizza for life, then...more like pizza for death. Do your children get pizza for life then? Can you pass it on? Or is the pizza over? What if they get people to design stuff, hoping for pizza for life, and then they kill em off so they don't have to give away free pizza?Same with gas. What if they die in a car accident? Is the company liable for giving them the fuel that killed them?
- Dreams: I get what you're saying... I'm guessing it's only for the one person... Though, they wouldn't assassinate anyone unless they were a big eater...
- Lume: Yeah, but man, if you get pizza for life, you might as well get tons for your friends too. That's probably about 200,000 pizzas in what, 25 years? I dunno
- Dreams: Yeah which is why they would assassinate you to save money on their business. Because basically, the pizza place would be your bitch if you won pizza for life.
- Lume: Exactly. Man...This has been intellectually stimulating. The pizza place would be your bitch? *snicker*
- Dreams: And it's true.You can walk in and say, "Give me 25 pizza, bitches! *flashes PIZZA FOR LIFE card*They'd have to do it.
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